Don't Want to Enter Stats Manually?

Save time by using one of our Stat Import Partners!
MaxPreps is partnered up with 80+ different stat-tracking apps designed to easily export and import your stats!

About our Partners
Your Choices are Endless!

MaxPreps offers stat importing for:
  • Football
  • Basketball
  • Volleyball
  • Baseball/Softball
  • Lacrosse
  • Water Polo
  • Soccer
Check out all the different options you have for each sport!
Become a Stat Import Partner
Want MaxPreps to use your app?

MaxPreps welcomes any stat company that would like to become an import partner in order to accommodate our coaches who use these stat programs.

Start the Registration Process

As soon as the registration has been submitted, a stat supplier link will appear under your account for your MaxPreps membership. Select, Stat Supplier to sign in. To finish registering you will need to then fill in the general information.

Once this process is complete then you will officially be added as an import partner.

Please note that we do not provide an API for stat partners.

Any other questions regarding stat importing?
Please reach out to our support team by submitting a request.

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