Want to keep up to date with any news, updates, and highlights for your favorite teams?

MaxPreps offers a multitude of different email lists you can join to stay in the loop with the high school sports community.

We've broken down the email lists to recommend subscriptions that best fit your role as a member on MaxPreps!

Fans, Athletes, Family, Media Members, etc.
MaxPreps Messaging Announcements about new services, features, and cool high school sports stories for MaxPreps members. Occasionally
Final Scores Final score updates for your favorite teams as soon as a game is finished. Frequently
Videos, Photos, & Articles Updates and links to any new videos, photos, and articles your favorite teams are mentioned or tagged in. Varies by Team
Rankings Rankings updates for your favorite teams to see if they moved up or down in the past week. Weekly
Find your favorite teams on MaxPreps and give them a favorite today!

Once you favorite a team, you will automatically be subscribed to the above email lists so you're always in the loop
Athletic Program Staff Members
MaxPreps Messaging Announcements about new services, features, and cool high school sports stories for MaxPreps members. Occasionally
Partner Messaging Premier offers from MaxPreps partners. Occasionally
State Association Important updates and reminders directly from your State Association. Varies by State
Coach & AD Messaging General information about your team and other messaging specific for coaches and athletic directors. Monthly
Coach & AD Reminders General reminders to enter and scores & stats for your team and other messaging specific for coaches and athletic directors. Monthly
We recommend keeping the above subscriptions turned on to stay up to date with any information regarding new features, rule changes within your state, and more throughout the seasons.
Managing your Subscriptions
Don't want to receive emails from MaxPreps but would like to keep your account active?

You are able to manage your email preferences from your account settings in the Communications Preferences section.

Customize which emails you would like to unsubscribe from in the Subscriptions and Notifications tab.

Subscription Email Descriptions Frequency
Coach & AD Messaging Receive general information about your team and other messaging specific for coaches and athletic directors. Monthly
Coach & AD Reminders Receive general information about your team and other messaging specific for coaches and athletic directors. Monthly
MaxPreps Messaging Receive announcements about new services, features, and cool high school sports stories for MaxPreps members. Occasionally
Partner Messaging Receive premier offers from MaxPreps partners. Occasionally
State Association Receive important updates and reminders directly from your State Association. Varies by State
Notifications Email Descriptions Frequency
Final Scores Receive final score updates your favorite teams as soon as a game is finished. Frequently
Videos, Photos, & Articles Receive updates and links to any new videos, photos, and articles your favorite teams are mentioned or tagged in. Varies by Team
Rankings Receive rankings updates for your favorite teams to see if they moved up or down in the past week. Weekly
Changed your mind?
You can always re-enable any subscriptions and notifications in your Communications Preferences as well.
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