Looking to enter stats in on MaxPreps?

Entering your stats on MaxPreps is easy! Depending on the sport, it takes about 5-10 minutes to manually enter them or even seconds if you're importing them from one of our stat import partners! All stat import partners can be found here.

How to Manually Enter Stats

Go to MaxPreps.com and sign in to your Coach Admin Account.   

1. On the team nav select, 'Schedule'.

2. Locate the game you want to enter stats for 

3. Enter stat options:

- Option 1: Under the final score select, 'Enter Stats'.

- Option 2: Click on the pencil button and select, 'Enter Stats'.

- Option 3: Game Need Attention and select, 'Add Stats'.

All three options will direct you to the stat entry page. 

4. Enter the individual athlete stats. Publish and Continue each stat field section until you reach the end which is Enter Player of the Game

The stats will appear on the team page within 15-30 min.

How to Enter in Season to Date Stats

We have a stat feature called Season-to-Date that allows coaches to enter their team stat information as a season total, a ONE TIME entry. You can use the Season-to-Date stat entry to get caught up mid-season. This is found on the team nav titled, 'Stats'.

Notes: Season-to-Date stats override any game by games stats you may have added. If you choose to enter in Season-to-Date stats your athletes won't appear in the MaxPreps leaderboards. 

Steps to enter Season to Date Stats:

Go to MaxPreps.com and sign in to your Coach Admin Account.   

1. On the team nav select, 'Stats'.

2. Scroll to the very bottom of the page. 

3. Select 'Enter Season-to-Date Stats'.

4. On the following page, be sure to set the date of which the stats go through.

(Example: If the stats are entered after the last game on 10/1/20, you would select 10/1/2020)

5. Enter the team stats in the grid provided and select, 'Publish & Continue' to save the stats.  

The stats will appear on the team page within 15-30 min.

How to Import Stats

Go to MaxPreps.com and sign in to your Coach Admin Account.

1. On the team nav select, 'Schedule'.

2. Locate the game you want to enter stats for 

3. Enter stat options:

- Option 1: Under the final score select, 'Enter Stats'.

- Option 2: Click on the pencil button and select, 'Enter Stats'.

- Option 3: Game Need Attention and select, 'Add Stats'.

All three options will direct you to the stat entry page. 

4. Enter the box scores or final score and select, Save & Import Stats

5. Choose File the file you saved to your computer and select, Import

6. Select, Calculate Team totals and Publish & Continue the stats. 

The stats will appear on the main team pages within 15-30 min of adding them within your coach admin account.

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